Thread: S8 10/20 hand
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Old 09-22-2006, 02:18 PM
Wilson Wilson is offline
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 40
Default Re: S8 10/20 hand

i tend to fold 3rd... u got a whole load of babies waitin in line to get in the pot... and they're not all gonna brick... so ur essentially playin for half the pot... also there's that ace lurkin back there too... but once u decide to play ur pair, raisin is good.

4th; i tend to fold here too... none of the lows bricked, which sucks... so now ur even more likely to only get half of the pot. it might end up bein a biggish pot, but ur kings aren't exactly unbeatable (though unlikely, u could even be behind right now). the one gr8 thg abt ur hand is that itz really live, so continuin is probably ok.

maybe itz just me, i just dun like gettin myself into spots where i've got near no chance at one half of the pot whilst everyone is gettin a free shot to scoop me.

btw, if u play on, i think callin is probably better than raisin on 4th. if they're decent (and i dunno wat 10/20 plays like) they'll fold 2nd best low draws anyway.

after that, there's not much u can do... the open aces are bad news, but on the flip side, it doesn't look like anyone's plannin to get into a raisin war so u got to showdown fairly cheaply!
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