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Old 09-22-2006, 11:00 AM
Iron_Yuppie Iron_Yuppie is offline
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Default Re: Choose your CYOA

You confidently stride up to Heidi Klum and quickly bring out your best material:

“Is heaven missing an angel? ‘Cause you’ve got nice cans!”

“If I said you had a beautiful body, would you take off your pants and dance around a little?”

“I find the most erotic part of a woman's body to be the boobies.”

You look down, expecting to see Heidi’s panties hitting the floor, but, amazingly, she is still standing there silently. You rack your brain for more pickup-line goodness when the salesgirl comes barging in.

“I thought I left this here! Let me get this out of your way, sir.” She scoops up Heidi Klum, who now appears to be more mannequin-like than previously perceived, and heads back out the dressing room, but not before giving your Hawaiian shirt an appreciative glance.

a) Follow the reasonably attractive salesgirl, pay for the shirt, and work your charm
b) Follow the salesgirl, wait for her to put down the Heidi Klum mannequin, then approach the Heidi Klum doll and hope that the events play out similarly to the greatest movie of all time (“Mannequin”, natch)
c) Dash out of the store without paying, and head back out to the casino floor
d) Head back to the loose access panel in the changing booth, use it to spy on other customers

Health: Excellent

$10,000 Bill (possibly counterfeit)
$5 Casino Chip
Hawaiian Shirt
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