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Old 09-21-2006, 05:33 PM
pokerraja pokerraja is offline
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Default Im helping my best freind and somehow I look like the bad guy...

We have been friends for over 20 years. He was the best man at my marriage. We are tight, almost like brothers. We talk openly about everything.

Long story short is he took a good job in DC. He is moving from Detroit. Things have gone very bad for him in the last 2 years. His business he opened failed, and he is in very high debt. As a consequence he is also a bit depressed. He just has not been the same lately. But I try to take him out to restaurants, bars and casinos just to cheer him up. Many times I also pay for dinner/drinks. No biggie, thats what friends are for.

Well he is moving next week. He is getting a U-haul and also towing his car on the back of the truck. We both live in Detroit suburbs. He does have alot of stuff to move. He asked me to help him move. He knows that I love driving around the country. We took alot of road trips when we were younger. I will also mention about 5-6 years ago I helped him move back from college (Atlanta). I took a flight to the ATL and we drove a U-haul back then. He never paid for my flight there or anything. But we had fun. I just let it slide.

So I told my wife about this possible trip. She was cool with it but she said make sure he pays for my flight back. I never really cared about it, but she is right. So today he calls me while im at work and asks me if I can go? I say sure but you have to book my flight for me. He quickly respond "what do you mean? You cant book it yourself?". Im like dude if im gonna help you move the least you can do is book and pay for my flight. He says ok, but hes broke right now and he won't be able to pay me back for a few months. Im like "wtf, you can't fork over a couple hundred dollars?". He says I know his situation etc...

So, ok. Then I ask him when he can pay me back, I want a date. He says something to the effect " wow, you really are cheap (censored), you are sweating me for a flight?". I just lost it on the phone and said "(censored) you then Do you realize how much I have done for you over the years? I have helped you move before, i have paid for numerous dinners, tickets to ball games". I really lost it and then said eff you and hung up.

Im still pissed off. This just happened a few minutes ago. I can't believe he has the nerve to call me a cheap fuc, when im the one taking a day off of work and doing manual labor for him.

I also want to add he has rarely ever treated me to a dinner or anything else of value. I have spent freely on him like a big brother would his smaller brother. He knows that poker has been very good to me. But still. Somethings are about respect and honor. Is it worth losing a best friend over this? Im sure he is going to call me back later and say, so are you coming or going. We both are not overly sensitive. But this has me ticked off for real.

Sorry for the bad grammer, but what do you guys think?
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