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Old 09-21-2006, 01:15 PM
DoubleDown DoubleDown is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 501
Default Re: Where do you get your News?


i'll occasionally watch CNN or Fox News. but i feel like television news is more for entertainment nowadays than actually providing solid info from various perspectives. perhaps this has something to do with how ratings-driven media outlets have become.

i like tim russert's meet the press program on sundays. used to watch some o'reilly factor until about 4-5 yrs ago. will occasionally catch the bbc world news on pbs or some other public type channel.


dont read much of the newspaper. occasionally i'll pick up the new york times, but thats it. i tend to read magazines more often. time newsweek economist for the most part.


this is where i am really interested in what people have to say b/c this is the area where i would like to expand my perspective the most. i'll just mention a few sites that i frequent. cnn, yahoo news, google news, drudge report, the guardian. i bet there are a ton of excellent news blogs out there as well.

i'd like to be able to get a good collection of sites that i can visit on the regular to get info regarding a topic from both sides. for ex, a couple of good repub blogs balanced with a couple of good dem blogs; a news site that might lean slightly in favor of the israelis & a news site that might lean towards the palestinians.
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