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Old 01-27-2006, 03:51 PM
gergery gergery is offline
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Default Rolf’s Card Player Article

Rolf Slotbottom’s recent CardPlayer article lists 24 Vices in PLO. He gives a scoring system with them to indicate relative importance. Listed below are presumably the biggest mistakes people make when playing PLO.

Personally, I think game and seat selection are much more important, while knowing exact odds, patience and discipline are less important. Also missing is playing certain situations right (ie. with AAxx and against AAxx), using position correctly, and pot size management.

Comments? Other thoughts? re-rankings?

Score 87.5
13. Playing your own cards only, and lacking in playing the players
11. Not knowing the exact odds/percentages;

Score 85
22. Vulnerable to tilt and steaming;
16. Not being good enough at reading hands
4. Not being disciplined enough (in the broadest sense of the word)

Score 82.5
5. Not being capable of folding when a hand turns sour;
12. Not having enough patience in waiting for the right hand/situation
15. Not performing well under pressure
17. Lacking in seat selection
18. Lacking in the selection of starting hands
19. Lacking in table-/game-selection

sorry, realized this was old article after i posted this. maybe its still helpful as discussion.
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