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Old 09-20-2006, 05:35 PM
danderso8 danderso8 is offline
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Default Re: Betting Tells- help

I recently started wearing a hat sometimes when i play, and i think it helps. Prior to the flop (or other card) coming out, I move my head so that i can see the board, and the other players hands, but so they can't see my eyes. Unfortunately, I can't see their eyes this way, but i figure it gains me more than I lose from that, cause I'm not very good at reading people's tells yet anyhow.

Another thing to do to hide your intended action is to count out a bet & raise prior to the hand. (Obv, this works better in limit than NL) That way, you have the chips sitting there and just choose which stack to move out fiddling with the chips to give anything away. (a side benefit of this is it speeds the game.)

Put a chip on your cards and leave it there until your turn to muck.

If you do that, hopefully you will have most of your tells under control. Beyond that, I'd say try to keep your hands still and maybe focus on your breathing.

I don't recommend not looking at the board till your turn, because if you do that, not only does it delay the game, but it guarantees that everyone will be looking at you when you react to the board.

good luck,
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