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Old 09-19-2006, 04:00 AM
siccjay siccjay is offline
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Location: Aqua Man That Hoe!
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Default Chicks and gambling for a living.

I was talking to a chick on AIM that I used to "hang out" with. We didn't really date, just hung out. Made out a bit, but nothing serious. Anyway that doesn't really matter.

This part of the convo made me angry. Have any of you ever had to deal with this? If so, how did you?

<font color="red">jay: im gonna take some web design classes</font>
<font color="blue">chick: good for u
chick: I was going to ask if u ever planned on getting a real job</font>
<font color="red">jay: well no
jay: haha
jay: if i ever had to i would of course, but im doin fine
jay: even though the last chick i dated told me she didnt like that I didnt have "job security"</font>
<font color="blue">chick: lol I dont blame her</font>
<font color="red">jay: yea yea, you dont have to work 9-5 to live
jay: i just bought a house and have a decent car, what do you want from me? hahaha</font>
<font color="blue">chick: I don;t want anything from you, I'm not dating you</font>
<font color="red">jay: i didnt mean you....i meant in general</font>
<font color="blue">chick: that is one of the reasons I didn't ever "date" you though
<font color="red">jay: hahaha
jay: sweet
jay: screw you buddy, ima baller :-)</font>
<font color="blue">chick: lol
chick: wasnt being offensive just honest
chick: I thought people liked honesty</font>
<font color="red">jay: oh i do, im not mad, just [censored] with ya</font>
<font color="blue">chick: I unda stand</font>
<font color="red">jay: you have motivated me to get rich playing cards now
jay: starting tomorrow</font>
<font color="blue">chick: lol
chick: being rich isnt what it is about</font>
<font color="red">jay: then what is it about?</font>
<font color="blue">chick: umm not being lazy</font>
<font color="red">jay: so if i make 50g's a year being a construction worker it is different then making 50g's playing poker?</font>
<font color="blue">chick: yeah
chick: it is</font>
<font color="red">jay: ha</font>
<font color="blue">chick: truth</font>
<font color="red">jay: i think its silly</font>
<font color="blue">chick: no it's not
chick: who the [censored] wants to date a guy who gambles for a living</font>
<font color="red">jay: i dont know, i guess i can still shoot for hookers and crackheads </font></font></font>

I know that most people don't really understand, but the last part of the convo makes baby jesus cry. Are people really that retarded?
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