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Old 09-17-2006, 01:22 AM
greed greed is offline
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Location: Bloomington, IL
Posts: 132
Default Re: How can I lose at 200nl?

I don't play NL $200 but I think you played several of these hands wrong. The one that really stood out is where you made the spade flush draw on the river and the villain pushes 4x pot and you call. The line you took makes it look like you have or at least could very likely have a flush draw yourself... why would villain push like that unless he beats you? Maybe you had a read or something... but that plays just seems bad to me. But sorry about the bad run, I know how it goes... it'll turn around if you've been a decent winner in the past I'm sure.

EDIT: Ah nevermind I didn't notice you only had 1/2 of his final bet. But still I'd think twice about it before instantly calling.
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