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Old 09-16-2006, 05:24 PM
traheho traheho is offline
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Location: Orange County, California
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Default Re: Boosted Please Respond

hahaah a I dont have an ego at all. i dont think im good by any means. i will post my stats if you want b/c i can def beat the game. however players like EM2 who are complete tools that think they are comparable to bldswttears b/c they run better than the niagra falls are completely retarded. i understand my place in the poker world and know that it is way below some of them. howerever if you took someone like EM2 and put him in a normal poker game at bellagio he'd get killed. i know 100's of people who could own him but that arent machines and cant grind out the 10/20 game. people have to understnad that playing 12 tables of 10/20 doesnt mean your a good player outside of partypoker. it just means you can manipulate the system and become essentailly a machine. but if your questioning my ego you sincerely took the wrong idea from my post.