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Old 09-14-2006, 09:32 PM
BeaucoupFish BeaucoupFish is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: San Francisco
Posts: 723
Default Considering a move to SF

There was lots of advice in the "Considering a move to NYC" post, I thought I'd ask the same for San Francisco.

Actually, I already live in the Bay Area, and it is boring me to death. I've lived in the East Bay since I moved here from London in 1998. I loved living in London (Camden Town, and Brixton), I hate living in the suburbs but inertia set has in.

I bought a house ~6 years ago, but once or twice a year I think semi-seriously about getting out of my rut and making the move. It is a big decision though, and I don't know SF well enough to know suitable neighborhoods to buy.

Some notes:

- I am young-ish (36) free and single
- I currently have 4 beds in ~1600 sq ft and a large garden, and have little need for more than 2 beds and a balcony
- I have no view, a big reason of my wanting to move would be for cityscape or bay views (I must admit, the view from El Diablo's pad he posted re-kindled this years thoughts)
- Moving from a house to an apartment / condo might be difficult to get used to
- I seek modern / loft / contemporary over historic / traditional

TIA to anyone commenting on my daydreams.

* It did just cross my mind that I could rent out my house and buy or rent in the city.
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