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Old 09-12-2006, 09:30 AM
grandgnu grandgnu is offline
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Default Re: Men the Master: Class Act


I have Men The Master bobblehead # 14 of 5,000. How dare you insult my hero!

All You Can Eat Baby!

Yeah, I know, the thing looks nothing like him. I should've gotten the Triumph The Insult Comic Dog one instead:

Bobblehead, Image Links Not Showing Up?

In all seriousness. I've heard a lot of bad things about Men. And I can definetely see his outward friendliness hiding a dark underside of hate and contempt for anyone who isn't part of his crew.

Then again, the guy did come from Vietnam, so he's got that survivors mentality perhaps.

I don't approve of cheating, no matter how entertaining the player is. One of my buddies from high school (who just so happened to be from a 3rd world country, Nicaragua, land of the mysterious Chupucabra) was ridiculously entertaining in our home game.

But I also started catching him splashing the pot with 50 chips when the bet was 150. Forgetting to post his ante hand after hand. I'd bring it up and he'd try to joke it off, and I wound up having to boot him from my game.
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