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Old 09-12-2006, 12:22 AM
DoubleDown DoubleDown is offline
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Posts: 501
Default James Woods, 9/11, Leno

JW is on Leno right now talking about 9/11. He just threw out some claim of how he had fingered two of the 9/11 terrorists on a flight of his some months before 9/11/01, pointed them out to a flight attendant/airplane personnel, but the FAA didn't act on his info as it would be labelled racial profiling. Apparently the terrorist-radar he had in his brain just went off that day and told him something just didnt smell right about those guys on that plane. He later says that the guys he had fingered on that plane were confirmed to be on some of the hijacked 9/11 flights.

This is the 1st I had heard of this. Here is a link I found while doing a preliminary search. I'll post some better ones if I can find some. Had any of y'all heard of this before?

(apologies if this belongs in a different forum.)
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