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Old 09-11-2006, 01:31 AM
Hollywade Hollywade is offline
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Default Best movie scene/song combos

What are some specific scenes from movies that are set to music and really kick ass? It can even be from a terrible movie, but sometimes a song combines with a scene (often some sort of montage) and the result is really awesome.

Right now I'm reminded of a sweet one from my early childhood. The karate tournament montage in The Karate Kid set to "You're the Best." I don't even know if that's the name of the song. I just remember how cool that scene was when I was 5 and how cool it still is now that I'm a 5-year-old in a 24-year-old's body.

A more sophisticated answer might be the opera scene from Hannibal. That's beautiful music. They play it again later in the movie when Lecter is back in the U.S. getting all the supplies ready for eating the dude's brain.

What are some other examples of this?
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