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Old 09-09-2006, 07:58 PM
ama0330 ama0330 is offline
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Default Re: **Talk to me about 2nd and 3rd barrel bluffing in SSNL**

This is totally read dependant. Saying "never do it" isn't right but it should be done extremely selectively and only with a solid read.

The problem is that in general, if someone is going to call a bet on the flop with a flush draw, chances are they are going to call on the turn too just because that is just how flush/straight chasers operate. You have to watch what your opponents pressure points are and how likely they are to buckle to increased heat, particularly when your hand has no showdown value.

Getting this kind of precise read is difficult and for me this will usually mean trying it once and failing (being called down), which can be not only really expensive, but counter productive because your opponent will be more likely to think your subsequent second barrels are also bluffs, destroying your fold equity. (Note that this negative becomes a positive if you choose to tighten up.)

For these reasons, I don't do it. I save my bluffs for much more obvious situations such as betting scare cards and raising small bets which have been made into big pots. IMO anything more sophisticated is 0EV at best and probably more likely to be -EV.
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