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Old 09-09-2006, 02:52 AM
theman theman is offline
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Default Who Are The Most Overrated Poker Players? (and Why?)

My provisional list of overrated poker players:

1.) Evelyn Ng:
Does Ms. Ng really play the game? Man, I've not seen her cash or win or do anything in poker. Other than play in that six-woman invitational tourney, I can't recall her earning any of the fame she deserves. I'm not necessarily saying she stinks at poker, but just seemingly overrated and hyped...Any thoughts?

2.) Antonio Esfandiari:
Ok ok, I know I'm gonna hear it for this one, but I think he's slightly overrated. He played amazing in his WPT win a few years ago and has come out with a no-limit holdem cash game book recently, but I don't think of him as an elite player - either in cash games or tourneys. His style is very dangerous, as are most loose-aggressive types, but I think his fame/celeb status precedes him a bit more than his actual skill. Mostly, I just don't think he's proven himself consistently yet. I'd like to see him in five more years of poker play. Anyone can win at poker for a couple of years and start thinking they're one of the best. I just feel he's over-marketed for what he's done. The other thing that bothers me about him is his cockiness and to-the-extreme, self-indulgent lifestyle that he brags about to the poker media (but that's a whole other topic).

3.) Tuan Le
Again, I think this might draw some criticism, but I don't think Tuan is a good poker player. He's dangerous yes, but not good in my opinion. His all or nothing approach is one that may work well in the short run, but won't be successful in poker over many years. I just don't think he has a slow gear, nor does he accurately size up his opponent's hands for a risk vs. reward analysis. His aggression does not seem controlled or strategic, but rather a bull-dozer, run-you-over style. He's been successful yes, but I just think his skill is overrated. Nevertheless, I always think it's entertaining to watch him play.

In general, I just don't think these players have proven themselves over time (as many of the older pros have) and seem to have an enormous fan base and celeb status that does not match their true abilities.
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