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Old 09-06-2006, 01:23 PM
deadmoney314 deadmoney314 is offline
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Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 23
Default Re: My first 100,000 hands at 5/10. Where can I improve?

deadmoney, you are saying something that no one else on 2+2 agrees with. we all think you should be most "aggressive" on the flop and it should be lower on the turn and even lower on the river. when you say something that no one else agrees with, you should expect a response like that unless you have solid information to back up your claim. you would need to make a new, epic thread on why your turn aggression factor should be higher than your flop af in order for anyone to give your ideas a second look.

also, 17 posts in about a year and a half rightfully raises eyebrows.


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Maybe everyone that is complaining about not making more than 1BB/100 has something to look at in the fundamentals of their game. Why does everyone bow down to dogma just because they found a way to become a simply "winning" player. Do you think there is a limit to how much you can learn in this game, or do you learn to a point and say, "that's it, not gonna change a thing now".
Am I willing to admit that I could be wrong? Sure, but it sounds more like you guys need a fresh look at this to go forward. I base my response in this thread on the fact that my roommate plays nearly identically to me PF, yet over a large sample size I make 3-5BB/100 whereas he makes .5-1.5BB/100. The differences although small has consistantly been the fact that his flop/turn AFs are almost exactly flip flopped. Everything else being equal its my only theory on why I make more profit in the long run. If you have a better theory, I'd ask you to prove it to me. Link the thread, maybe I'll change my mind--but as soon as I stepped foot on this forum I feel like I've encoutnered the biggest closed-minded click of my life.
IMHO the turn is the most important street in FLHE and if you don't have a good sense of where you are by that point in a hand to make confident decisions either way, you are leaking. Sink or swim, if you are too passive, you are setting yourself up to call a lot of rivers because of the pot odds on the river, if you are not aggressive enough you aren't getting better hands to fold and not getting value when you are ahead.
I'll at least consider the possibilities, and if someone wants to rehash a previous thread where this is discussed in detail, i'll probably join in. But when I encounter completely closed minds on this when I've seen evidence I see is to the contrary then I question your dogma.
What will probably happen though, are unecessary flames because poker egos are to soft to sustain bruising and winning players are extremely stubborn to hear anything but praise for their assessments.
I don't disagree that you will make money with what you have outlined, I just argue that you could be making more. In fact, if everyone is subscribing to the same dogma, maybe a flipped AF for the flop/turn is succeeding solely because it is different.
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