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Old 08-30-2006, 02:52 PM
El Diablo El Diablo is offline
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Default Re: live etiquette: he hasn\'t mucked but doesn\'t want to show \'em


As the other live NL players in this thread have written, this one's pretty easy.

"you got me"
"one pair?"

Now, sometimes, against some players, as soon as they say "you got me" we both know I am good, so I just flip. That is generally someone I've played against a fair amount. And if I have TPTK or better, I generally just show immediately, since it is always good. But against an unknown when I'm holding a weak bluff catcher, I will normally call my hand. Sometimes it goes like this:

"you got me"
"pair good?"
"which one?"

I actually like shaniac's plan the least. I think silently waiting is better than "show or muck" but both imo kinda suck. As tbg says, HAVE FUN! There's a sort of code of conduct that a lot of live players play with and part of that involves opening your hand out of order when you know you are best.
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