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Old 08-29-2006, 10:37 AM
Gordon Scott Gordon Scott is offline
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Default Re: Can I fold these hands

Thanks Orange.

I played really well all weekend except for these 2 hands and 1 other that I don't think I was awake for.

Coming from a pretty tough 5-10 game I didn't peg the guy as a donk but I had seen him 3bet push a smaller stack with AK a few rounds earlier.
With the extra dead money in the pot I decided it was close enough to call and I was wrong.

The guy turned out to be a very solid played and yes a LRR usually means AA and it was.

The board came AQx and I think if I flat call the preflop I get a lot chips in anyway because sb and the raiser both flopped sets.
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Hand 2 I got out played bad or did I. SB had JJ and slow played a flopped set on a very dangerous board. When sb donk bet the paired board turn I really put him on an over pair.

When SB pushed the river I tanked and went through every street and just coudn't put him on a boat.
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