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Old 08-28-2006, 11:35 AM
Kevin1962 Kevin1962 is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 29
Default Re: \"Don\'t forget the dealer\" - WTF?

Dealers, like waiters and cabbies, size up customers as to whether they know about tipping or not. Some dealers freak out when a pot as split that they'll get stiffed (actually they do better because two players tip). Regardless of his logic (you're a foreiner, you're a minority, you're a jerk, whatever)you'd like to "get him" without getting him angry

Smile, put you toke right in the play area and say "My mother brought me up better than to forget to tip" This is hugely embarassing to anyone who asks for a tip but just self-deprecating enough to allow the Dealer to save face. After a few hands get up and mention it to the floor supervisor and say "asking for a tip is twice as gauche (french for stupid/rude) as not giving a tip" The supervisor will make a note to tell the Dealer privately long after you are gone

Its more important to win the war than the battle
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