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Old 08-27-2006, 04:29 AM
KSOT KSOT is offline
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Default Why does ESPN dedicate so much attention to Randy Jensen?

The last two years they've shown multiple hands he was involved in. I really don't understand why since he's supposedly busted out on the first day of the ME every year he's played in it. Why bother showing him at all when it's obvious he'll never get very deep? The only thing I've ever seen him accomplish is taking 2nd to Barry in some WPT event.

More importantly, he comes off as more of an ass every time I see him. He was totally classless at this years ME. First he shoved with QJ, then he begged for another player to fold in a very serious tone (possibly the most obvious sign of weakness I've ever seen) and then accused him of making a terrible call when he tabled AQ. Give me a break "dream crusher!"
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