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Old 08-23-2006, 09:51 PM
Big_Jim Big_Jim is offline
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Default Re: How do you play in this situation?

This is, as they say, a tough one.

It's times like these that you hope that you have timing/bet sizing tells, although you will not, very often.

The situation is a little better, since you don't have to worry as much about the guy between you.

The thing about this hand is that it has really bad reverse implied odds. If we raise on the flop, we basically have to fold to a re-raise, because it's a pretty clear that this is a Barely Ahead/WB spot, and we're gonna be WB on a flop like this pretty often. Furthermore, a player like this is almost never gonna have a bare overpair, and be willing to play for stacks with it All of this points to trying to play a small pot.

As a default, against a player like this, I'm probably going to just call the flop, as I might do with a variety of hands, obviously, and especially something like the nut flush draw.

If a blank turn card comes, and he leads for pot again, and you think that he would do that with both the draws and the sets, you basically have to guess. It's a pretty damn tough spot to be in with aces, for the same reason as it is on the flop.

You can fold, which always seems so weak.

You can call one more time, giving them a cheap card, and praying for a blank. Problem, of course, is that there are a whole lot of non-blanks in the deck. If you don't think they'd fire that third barrell, you can check behind on the river. And furthermore, you can't guarantee that he won't bluff river, which he'll have a very nicely sized PSB to push the river. OTOH... if you think that he's wild enough that he might be shoving that river with enough whiffed draws or whatever, you can sometimes even call that bet, especially if you have a tell.

Or you can raise, but if you do, you either have to push, or make a raise that gives you sick odds to call his all in. Works great when he has a draw,(although, with very strong draws, they will often be correct to call) not so much when they have a set.

Another option is a min-raise for free showdown. Draws will be getting nice odds to call, and many people would just take those odds, and give up, while sets will almost always shove. This play works great against some, not so great against others. Gotta know your man.

So which play do you make? Frankly, you just have to make a read, and trust your gut.

Cliff's Notes: It depends.
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