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Old 08-21-2006, 03:21 PM
Quercus Quercus is offline
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Default Anyone do a lot of importing, especially textiles?

So, I order a bunch of fabric from Taiwan and have it shipped directly to our manufacturer in Canada. Project ends and I've got a bunch of fabric and other materials left over and have them shipped to us in the US.

They arrive on a truck this morning and we unload them. Then, later, a message comes in from our customs broker than US customs needs more forms filled out (isn't that what my broker is supposed to handle before the crossing. grrrr) and that we have to keep the shipment intact and not use anything.

Is this standard? Anyone have any clue as to how long I've got to keep the materials segregated (as if that was even possible in our cramped space) before I can start using them.
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