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Old 08-19-2006, 03:57 PM
Colima420 Colima420 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Colima, Mexico
Posts: 187
Default Not saying good bye at the table

I have noticed something interesting that I can't figure out why it occurs.

Why is it that when a player leaves a poker table (usually when he busted out), no one acknowledges him/her leaving and no one says anything to the matter as good bye or take care, etc?

Now what's really interesting is that I don't think its the people at the table that are like that always, but rather that being at the table causes them/us to be like that.

I am very outgoing and pretty much talk to everyone in any scenario. Yet when I'm at the table, I don't say goodbye or laters or anything to whoever is leaving.

Example 2:
One time in a casino, I busted out, then proceeded to say something like "good night everybody, see you later", to which no one replied anything and some people didn't even look up to see me.

Maybe this fits the psychology department, but what do you think is the reason for this?

In case you are a person that does say good bye, then please give your theory as to why others don't do it.
If you don't say goodbye, explain why.

I live in New Mexico. I don't know if its like this everywhere or just here.
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