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Old 08-19-2006, 03:17 AM
gintron gintron is offline
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Default Re: TPWK turns into a boat line check

I'm curious why you didn't bet the flop? Other than that, given your flop check you played the hand fine. Also, I disagree with those saying the button is going to check behind with a queen. When its three handed, the calling ranges greatly decrease. Of course it is entirely player dependent, but the majority of opponents will bet river with a queen. Thus, if they have a queen they most likely bet, and will have a hard time folding the river check raise. whereas if you lead out they will most likely only call, even with a strong Q, and if they have A8 or some oddly played pair they will fold. The only time I would lead out is if villan never bluffs river, or you are almost certain he has something decent.
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