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Old 08-16-2006, 01:12 PM
CharlieDontSurf CharlieDontSurf is offline
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Default Re: George Will: John Kerry was right about terrorism

The title for GWB would be much worse....George "lead 2500 americans to their death" Bush. Based on your response I can tell you must have the blinders on.

The post wasn't about someone lied to get us into Iraq etc or its all the Republicans was about the fact that the current administration doesn't know what the hell to do with Iraq and has chosen a strategy that limits the # of soldiers deaths, but doesn't accomplish anything.

Its not about GWB...its about the incompetence of the entire administration along with the Dep of Defense, Pentagon etc. If you actual think Iraq is a success or will end up better than it is now, I feel sorry for you since your obviously delusional.

Even your own partys top canidate to replace Bush, McCain-though it wouldnt shock me if the nut wing trys to torpedo him again, has admitted that eventhough he believes Iraq can be fixed and we should not pull out---the strategy had to be massivly altered...and a winning strategy will most likely result in a higher body count.
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