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Old 08-14-2006, 02:14 AM
Powder Powder is offline
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Biloxi, MS
Posts: 38
Default Is it still a \"suckout\" even if the card was free?

I know this may sound like a rhetorical question, but a really dumb conversation at a poker table tonight has me wondering about this. I was playing with a guy who I played with last weekend in a big hand, it went like this in a 1-2NL game:

At this point I have roughly $550 in front of me. He is in the BB with about $1000. I'm in middle position with AQs and I raise to 15, someone in late position calls and the BB calls. The flop is K-J-8 rainbow. Everyone checks the flop. The turn is a T, giving me the nut straight. The BB bets 30, I raise to 60, he re-raises to 160, at this point I push all in and he calls. He turns over pocket kings and I say to him something in sense of "I hope the board doesn't pair and you suck out on me" or something like that. Well the river comes with some trash and I win this pot.

Well anyway this guy says to me tonight that the comment I made about me hoping he doesn't suck out on me was stupid because I really sucked out on him first. I just thought to myself how he played the hand horribly and laughed it off. Although I tried not to pay it any attention, I do wonder now, did I actually suck out on him? If he would have fired in anything over $25 on the turn and I called, then yes I would agree that I sucked out. But hell he gave me the card for free, not my fault.
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