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Old 08-10-2006, 03:28 AM
SubaruSTiMike SubaruSTiMike is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2005
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Default Re: A close friend asked me if...

WoW, tell them whatever that quote like "give someone fish adn they will eat a day, teach them how to fish and they eat forever" or whatever. Seriously, they really should learn this game if you are there to help them. It's very learnable, people just need to open up their mind. 1000 would be a great bankroll to start nl10 or nl25 and sure it'll take a while but they can learn to beat the higher games. I don't get how people offer a winning player moneyfor them to play and get the profits. I don't thikn it works like that. I don't see how it works at all because It's not like you need the money, and if you are guarenteed to win, it's exactly like giving them money. The time you spent playing for them can be spent playing for yourself for much more profit. I can see being a good friend and helping them out, but playing for them is not the way, really try to teach them, but I guess some people just aren't cut out for poker.
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