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Old 08-06-2006, 05:38 PM
bav bav is offline
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Default Re: Pot pushed the wrong way, quick chip ditch attempt

But two hours? Come on. Let's face it. UCSB kids -- semi-regular visitors. Danes -- first timers. UCSB kids admit making a scumbag move. Floor wants to cut the scumbags slack. Guess who's been tipping the floor?

[/ QUOTE ]

These were not guys I recall ever seeing in Vegas before (not that I remember everybody I play with). And neither were likely to have slipped the floor a farthing. I'll ask you what I asked one of the noisy Danes demanding immediate restitution. "What do you want the floor to do?" You've got the kid without any money saying he gave his friend $30. His friend claims no knowledge of the size of the gift, but has about $140 in front of him including the $30. No impartial observer claims to have seen the chips transfer (REALLY wish I'd been watching that rather than looking around to see where the floor was).

So we are pretty certain the 4-seat is a cheating, thieving SOB--but he's busted out and has no more chips to impound. 2-seat is an accomplice of some sort, but didn't exactly ask for this to happen to him. This whole "I don't know how much he gave me" routine is pretty sad and not at all believable, but... what do you do?

I suspect the floor took the two of 'em in the back room and explained a few things to them. Whether they ever came clean I don't know. Whether the Dane ever got restitution I don't know.

Oddly enough I took an immediate dislike to UCSB Seat2 when he sat down. He started out insulting the whole table... you see, he'd just come out of Pure, and the rest of us were total losers because we hadn't. And he told us all about his last trip the Greek isles. And he explained how he had been accepted to grad school at UCLA, which is the number 4 school in his major. All in the first 5 minutes. But hey... he sucked at poker so his money was welcome. His 4-seat friend had been waiting for a while to play but had only been sitting maybe 10 minutes and had been fairly quiet so until he tried to steal a few reds I hadn't formed any opinions of him.
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