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Old 08-05-2006, 04:19 PM
UATrewqaz UATrewqaz is offline
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Default Re: Back to limit, sanity check plz

Haha, yeah I've been playing way "beneath" my roll for at least the last 8 months. I mostly play for the "hobby" aspect of it. I moved up to 2/4 and put in a little over 10K hands there for a whopping +1BB/100, then I finally decided I should learn NL and of course started at a low limit there. (good thing too, boy did I suck at first went through 12 buy'ins in 2K hands like it was candy)

As for the preflop raise with AJo on teh button, anytime I read SSHE it makes me way more aggressive preflop. I run at a pretty weak/tight 17/6 normally but after some SSHE encouragement I usually do like 17/8.

Basically AJo is a "top pair, good kicker" sort of hand which is tough to stand up multiway however I figured they all have limped with junk and my hand is probably best out currently and even though my edge is small, I can punish them for limping with trash by forcing them to double their investment (plus I have the button which makes my hand better).
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