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Old 08-04-2006, 09:55 PM
sweetjazz sweetjazz is offline
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Default Re: My pre-flop stats are mysteriously tightening up. Fear?

All of your plays are okay. The KQ and AJ hands are usually marginally profitable when played and usually 3-betting is better than cold calling.

Certainly passing up on these hands is not what is causing your downswing. Probably a lot of it is variance. The rest is no doubt due to postflop play. Are you failing to bet in certain spots postflop b/c of your bad run? Often those decisions can be very costly.

Given how tight you are preflop (which is okay), you should probably be seeing more than 35% of showdowns. You may not be getting to showdown cheaply with marginal hands and perhaps putting yourself in spots where aggressive players can push you off the best hand.

I assume you still get value out of your big hands (overpairs, sets, etc.) when you do hit thmm, as most players online would give you action with middle pair no kicker even if your preflop stats were 1/1.
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