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Old 07-30-2006, 11:06 PM
tpir tpir is offline
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Default Re: Ask Anacardo about his personal life!

come on man, whorish? f that. dont make me give some lame ass double standards speech here, but calling her names is just a lame way to go here.

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??? From what little we've learned she seems to sleep with guys before even getting to know them. She is currently sleeping with a guy who has no interest in her other than as a good lay. What would you call that?

"lame double standards speech"? I have no idea how this relates to what I said.

"name calling"? These are adjectives, not names. She seems whorish in her promiscuity, juvenille in her reaction to cardo's interest, and vindictive in her responses in this thread.

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In general I would refrain from forming opinions this strong given that we don't know all of the facts... but that's just me.

Your mileage may vary.

(and for the record, if i was on anyone's "side" in this thing it would have been Anacardo's)
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