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Old 07-28-2006, 07:58 PM
Copernicus Copernicus is offline
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Default Re: City of Chicago Mandates a Living Wage for workers.

If a local government (as opposed to the federal government) elects councilmembers who choose to enact a minimum/living wage, then in fact that's a conservative result. The government closest to the people enacts the policies they want to. If that puts that city at an economic disadvantage, then people will move/take jobs at the city down the road. Surely the opponents of the minimum/living wage aren't saying that local governments should lack the power to enact the policies they see fit, are they? That'd be big government that they purportedly find anathema.

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This is a more interesting issue in the context of localities that are enacting their own anti-illegal immigration laws. Minimum wage already has a history of not being the exclusive domain of the Federal government, immigration hasnt.
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