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Old 07-24-2006, 08:17 PM
Snarf Snarf is offline
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Default Re: (OT) Long Time Coming.... upon many requests.... The Snarf Saga

I want to thank everybody for all their cares and thoughts.

(don't want this post necessarily to be the thread killer, just a thanks along the way)

Generally/typically I agree with most things said by most people.

This girl / this situation is really different. I've never been this guy before...the guy saying the things I'm saying now. Truth be told, I was this guy once in college. I learned. I grew out of it. I got wiser. ..and here... oh well.

The thing is is that both of us still think that there is hope for us down the road. The key...the hard part...

is living from now until then like there is no hope.

As for my social setting...

I officially decided yesterday... I'm moving. Where to - not totally sure yet. Probably I'll be looking to find a short term (3-month type) of lease semi-locally...and see from there wether that works for me, or wether I need to move more like hours away.

This "group" has 3 scheduled nights a week. An unoffical 4th night, and usuually adds in one or two nights on the weekend. I haven't been doing all of that, or even close to taht, in a LONG time. ... but I decided that I'm going to go to Thursday's poker night...but that that will be like the last thing I do with this group for a long time.

I do have many other friends around...but none of them live close or are free enough schedule wise to matter, socially speaking. avenues...

a fresh start for Snarf

I'm incredibly sad. I'm also very excited.

I want to move out so badly I'm actually considering moving back in with my Mom for a couple weeks until I find a place.
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