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Old 07-24-2006, 02:37 PM
SL__72 SL__72 is offline
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Default Re: Review: Moinette Brune

Summary at the end for everyone who doesn't want to wade through my long... non-expert reviews.

This weekend (over two nights) I tried 4 new beers. Since 3 of the 4 new beers were IPAs, I'm going to start with my standard IPA. After that I reviewed the new ones in order from least favorite to favorite IPA, with an Imperial Stout thrown in at the end.

My "standard" IPA is Summit IPA. I've always liked Summit's beers. They are pretty inexpensive and most of their beers have a very distinct "Summit" flavor... specifically their beers are generally very malty. This one is no different. It has a nice amber color with a medium amount of lighter colored head. It doesn't taste like what you would expect an "American IPA" to taste like at all and I'm sure that turns a lot of people off. There is a definate light hoppy flavor, maybe a hint of caramel... and a heavy malty flavor. I like this beer as it is a good value and probably has some sentimental value as it is the first IPA I ever drank and is brewed a few miles from my house.

Overall, I give it a 3/5, but at ~$7-8/6 with a 5.8%abv, its a pretty good value. Not a "great" beer, but definately a "good" beer... If you are looking for something affordable and like malty beer, give it a try. (after looking it up, I was suprised to find this actually has a higher IBU then the Dogfish 60 (67).

Next comes my least favorite of the 4 new beers I tried, the Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA. Now don't get me wrong, when I say it was my least favorite, I'm not saying I didn't like it. In fact, the opposite was true, this is a very good beer. Good combination of bitter and fruity/hoppy flavors. I thought this was a very drinkable beer. By "drinkable" I mean that I could spend a night just drinking this beer and not grow tired of it at all. I didn't really notice the "metallic" taste acoustix was talking about... I payed $10 for 6 of them (in WI) so its a pretty good value too. Overall I'd give this beer... 3.5/5

The next new IPA was the Dogfish Head 90 min. This was a great beer, one of the best tasting beers I've ever had. Sweet fruity/hoppy flavor. Basically it lived up to all the good things everyone else has had to say about it. At $10/4 its still not a bad deal, especially with a 9% abv. I will definately drink this again in the near future. My only problem with it is that it could be a little too sweet to keep drinking throughout a night. I only had one and every sip of it tasted excellent, but I don't think I'd want more then 2 of these in a night. I'd give this a 4.5/5.

The third and my favorite IPA I tried was the Great Divide Hercules Double IPA. I remembered someone saying one of their other beers was pretty good, so I decided to give this one a try.

First, I think the Dogfish Head "minutes" is the same as their IBU, is that right? The 60 is listed as having an IBU of 60 which is what makes me think so. This one had an IBU of 85, so if I'm right about that, it had almost as much hops added as the Dogfish 90.

When poured, I found it to have quite a bit more head, which lasted longer, then the Dogfish 90. This beer is also a little maltier, which I liked. The extra malty flavor also balances out the high quantity of hops. This beer wasn't as sweet as the 90 but had a great bitter aftertaste that kept me wanting more. I could see drinking this beer from the beginning of the night until it knocks me out. It gets a 4.8/5 and wins the "standard" I will use to compare the next round of IPAs I try. I think I payed $4 or $5 for a 22 oz bottle. It had the most abv of the 4 beers at 9.1%. Right now this is listed as the 5th best IPA in the world and the 36th best overall on I would really like to taste the 4 IPAs listed ahead of it.

The last beer I tried this weekend was the Rogue Imperial Stout. On the bottle it says that it is best when aged for one year, the one I had was bottled in 2003. I generally like stouts, but its not my favorite type of beer and as such, I don't have a ton of experience with them...

Anyway, a few people on the site said this pours like old motor oil and they were right on. This is probably the thickest and blackest stout I've had. Had some dark, caramel colored? head that disipated pretty quickly. Tons of flavor(s) with a chocolatey/coffee aftertaste. Great beer, definately worth trying... but probably not something I'm going to have often in the future. More malt/hops/alcohol then the avg. stout. I think I payed close to $4 for a 12oz bottle (11.6%abv) Still... drinking it was an enjoyable experience and I give it a 4.5/5 overall.

Since this post is probably too long (altho this is the tldr forum) I'll give a quick summary:

Reviewed 3 IPAs I tried for the first time and a local one I've had many times.

Summit IPA = 3/5 light hoppy flavor... VERY malty, especially for an IPA. 5.8%abv, good value at $7-8 per 6pack.

Dogfish Head 60min IPA = 3.5/5. Good balanced but still hoppy flavor. Very drinkable, 6%abv, decent value at $10/6.

Dogfish Head 90min IPA = Loved it. 4.5/5. Sweet fruity/hoppy flavor. Not much bitter flavor or aftertaste. Loved every sip but wouldn't have more then 1-2 in an evening. 9%abv Payed $10 for 4... so not too bad but not an "everyday" beer either.

Great Divide Hercules Double IPA = Loved it. 4.8/5. Not as sweet as the Dogfish Head 90, but with a great bitter aftertaste. 9.1%abv... I think I payed ~$4 for a 22oz bottle. A must try for any IPA lover imo.

I also tried Rogue Imperial Stout. Gave it a 4.5/5. Very dark and thick even for a stout. "pours like motor oil." Delicious but overpriced imo.
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