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Old 07-24-2006, 03:28 AM
Mroberts3 Mroberts3 is offline
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Default Re: Convince me that that both sides aren\'t simply disgusting murderer

"Israeli non-combatants killed by opposite side: 764
Palestinian non-combatants killed by opposite side: 1099"

To the OP: Yes both sides have commited horrible acts and none of them should be excused. That said, I want everyone to simply look at the intent of the parties involved. (lets pretend these numbers are accurate even though they dont need to be to prove my point.) All 700 some Israeli non combatants casualties were innocent civilians INTENTIONALLY TARGETED simply out of hate. Somevof the 1000 some Palestinians were killed maliciously or by indifference but some, if not the majority, were killed by accident as can be expected when an opponent intentionally hides among civilians, or in any war for that matter. People argue in circles all day about how complex this conflict is and I think its quite simple. Its just like following the money trail, only in this situation its following the trail of mindless hate. The direction the trail leads is pretty clear.
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