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Old 07-23-2006, 12:12 PM
Felix_Nietzsche Felix_Nietzsche is offline
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Default No....Do Your Own Homework.

Convince me that that both sides aren't simply disgusting murderers
************************************************** ** your own homework.
I will not kow-tow to your intellectual laziness.

Each side has done awful things and killed lots of innocent kids.
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Oh really? I know the Arabs kill innocents by sending suicide bombers to kill civilians. These incidents are as numerous as the fall leaves and the Arabs proudly take credit for these murders. So when have israelis deliberately targeted civilians? If your lucky you might find two examples. If so lets do the math. Arabs = 25,000 murder civilains. Israel = 2. Wow! Gee Whiz you are right. They are both equally evil!

Your comment stinks of moral equivalism and is both arrogant and ignorant. If the palestinians fire rockets from a 'civilian' house at Israelis, the Israelis are allowed to fire rockets back. And based on the rules-of-war, Israel is not at fault for any civilian deaths caused by their counter attack. The blame lies with the militants that chose to use human shields...

The reason is that both sides of this conflict are lead by disgusting, hate driven people who only want to kill Jews or disgusting people who only want to kill Arabs. All the political justifications of "they did this to us" are just rationalizations so they can keep murdering Jews/Arabs.
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God....this moral equivalism is tiresome.
Please provide supporting links to support your assertion that Israeli has a POLICY murders Arabs. The Arabs have a long standing policy of using murder. When comparing the Jews with Arabs it is simple. The Jews behave in a civilized manner and the Arabs do not. If for one think the Israelis should start fighting fire-with-fire and fight a total barbaric war against the Arabs. And after being victorious, then the Jews can once again treat the Arabs as if they were civilized.

Or longer, eventually you are killing innocent people based on stuff no alive today did, and the people of both countries are suffering because of those acts of a long time ago.
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You don't know what your talking about.
Your opinions STINK of arrogance. You might as well say, 'Can't people see that I'm so smart and they are so dumb'. You take no side because you think you are morally superior and you think you are smarter than both sides. I have a news flash for you. You are not morally superior and you are ignorant of the facts. In addition I suspect you a too intellectual lazy to actually research the history of thes conflict. I have more respect for people who take views that oppose mine, than so-called moderates that position themselves in the middle so than can practice their moral superiority over others..
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