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Old 07-22-2006, 08:48 PM
Kneel B4 Zod Kneel B4 Zod is offline
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Default Re: Review: Moinette Brune

Beer: Ommegang Abbey Ale
Style: Belgian Strong Dark Ale
Price: $5.70 for a 750ml bottle

This is my follow up to the Moinette Brune review. Although not exactly similar, the 2 beers are close enough in style to provide an interesting comparison.

Ommegang is owned/operated by Duvel, who produce some of the most widely distributed Belgian Ales. Everything in the brewery is shipped from Belgium. The only thing American about this beer is the water used. In addition, there is slightly less live yeast used, ostensibly b/c the beer is not shipped across the Atlantic. So this is basically a Belgium beer produced in the US. Why? b/c this way it can be sold for $5.70 instead of $8 or $9.

Anywho, here is how it looks out of the glass

It's darker than the Moinette, with more amber colors. The alchohol (8.5%, same as the Moinette) comes through pretty strongly. Another key difference is the amount of fruit tastes. You can pick up some 'earthy fruit' flavors, like figs and plums, as well as some faint spicy flavors.

The taste and complexity of the beer is excellent. At 60% the price of the import, I think this is the superior value. But I think the slightly stronger alcohol taste puts this American Belgian Ale a small amount below it's old world cousin.

Grade: 4.7/5
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