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Old 07-20-2006, 09:52 AM
Bjorn Bjorn is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 151
Default Re: Root Cause of the Mid-East Crisis is...

They are mutual terror campaigns because they both target civilians to create fear that in turn might further poltical aims. And I don't see what you mean by "bad press for Israel." The handful of pundits and U.S. leaders who have denounced Israel's targeting of civilians have been swamped by those praising it, especially on TV. Israeli terrorism can't even be called what it is; we are limited to the "disproportionate force" euphemism.

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While this might be true in the US the same certanly doesn't apply in europe. Here many newspapers and some poiticians have come flat out and called the attack on Lebanon either "state terrorism" and/or a breach of international law.

Also my gut feeling is that most western europeans would be either positive or indiffrent to the EU imposing economic sanctions (or other similiar methods) against Israel right now. Sympaties in europe for Israel has definitly been severly hurt by their attack on Lebanon.

Many consider this a mostly unprovoked attack or even war on a soverign and for all intents and purposes defenseless state and as such a blatant breach of international law. Personaly I don't think most americans understand how important the concept of international law is to many people in europe and how important it is to safeguard that concept.

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