Thread: Cow Tipping?
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Old 07-18-2006, 02:53 AM
CORed CORed is offline
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Default Re: Cow Tipping?

The bull is the one with the horns, right? Can I tip those too?

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No. Your confusing cows with deer. For deer, the males have antlers and the females don't, except for reindeer and caribour, in which both genders have antlers (the males have bigger antlers, though). Both bulls and cows may or may not have horns. You can recognize bulls by the obvious anatomical differences, and bulls are generally bigger, with thicker necks and a more muscular build. The bulls will be kept separate from the cows except at breeding time (usually early summer). You can tip bulls if you want to, but they are a lot more likely to fight back than cows. Don't underestimate the potential of cows to fight back, though. \Tthey can get pretty mean if they get pissed off, or if they are protecting a calf.

I'm a city kid, but my Mom grew up on farms and ranches, so I know a little bit about cows.
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