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Old 07-17-2006, 06:27 PM
jason1990 jason1990 is offline
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Default Re: Can Quantum Weirdness Be Logically Predicted?

[jason1990 I struggle with the way you put it, if by [3] you basically mean relativity then I think that's the same as Metric's point and I agree - the point remains that its currently arbitary as to whether we should abandon relativity or realism - this is not skepticism in the normal sense. The question is whether to be skeptical about realism or relativity or to suspend judgement in the abscense of any means of telling the difference]

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Aha. I think I misunderstood you. Roughly, [3] means the existence of a "speed limit". I thought you were suggesting that [2] holds, that [3] holds (with some speed limit possibly greater than that proposed by relativity), and that [1] might fail, but the failure occurs only outside the realm of speeds and distances in which we are currently able to perform experiments.
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