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Old 07-17-2006, 02:48 PM
Borodog Borodog is offline
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Default Someone explain the dog haters to me.

I have a good friend who seems like a normal respectable stand up kind of a guy in every way, very intelligent, witty, funny, loves his family, good to his friends, et cetera, except that he doesn't like dogs. I find this to be completely incomprehensible. In fact, I've never met anyone until I met this guy that didn't like dogs that I didn't immediately dislike and distrust, even before I knew of their dislike for Man's Best Friend. People who don't like dogs have always seemed dishonest, untrustworthy, shifty, usually seem to have a cruel streak.

I'm sure there must be some people around here who don't like dogs, so defend yourselves, dog haters. I asked my friend about it, and he avoided the subject, and when I pressed, he got upset, like I was attacking him and he didn't have to defend why he did or did not like various things. Since he is a friend I dropped it, but I could care less about insulting the dirty soulless dog haters on the intarweb. So what's the deal?

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