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Old 07-14-2006, 09:39 PM
CORed CORed is offline
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Default Re: Norton Ghost question

Another option is to use linux utilities. There is a program that is called ntfsclone that will do good job of making a compressed image of an ntfs partition. It is on many live CD distros, so you can boot it from the cd and write an image to an external HD. Another program called partimage works well for FAT, ext2/3 or Reiserfs (these last two are used by linux) partitions, but has some problems with NTFS. I was able to restore an ntfs partion from a partimage image, but it had a lot of errors. Windows XP's chkdsk was able to repair it, but I really wouldn't trust it for critical data. Another option is the old reliable dd. It can make a byte-for-byte copy of a partition or entire hard drive, and it can be piped through gzip to comress. It isn't as eficient in time or space as ntfsclone (especially on a drive with lots of free space, but it is completely reliable. If you use any of these utilities, you will have to back up to an external HD formatted with a linux file system, or FAT32. It's probably not good for everyone, but if you're technicly inclined, and comfortable with linux or UNIX, it's a good, low-cost way to go.
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