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Old 07-13-2006, 03:22 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2006
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Default An argument I think you should avoid in your correspondence

I have seen a few arguments in the letters to your senators (which have been great to read, keep posting them all), that basically states "opponents of online gambling say it facilitates the habits of problem gamblers. However, many people have been able to put themselves through school, buy houses, etc. with the money they make from poker".

I think this argument is just too easy to attack and really doesn't further the cause. If you make reference to anyone being able to enrich themselves positively financially through poker, then obviously that was at someone else's expense. Politicians may not understand the internet, but they do understand the nature of gambling and realize that there is a winner and a loser. Someone could easily say, "great, you bought a house with your poker money while someone else lost theirs".

I would try to present your interest in preserving online poker as more of a pastime/hobby/game of skill than a way to make a living/make money. I think your views will be better received that way.

My two cents.

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