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Old 07-12-2006, 05:42 PM
livinitup0 livinitup0 is offline
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Default I think I just had panic attack

I'm having an extremely stressful day today at work. About an hour ago I was trying to juggle 4 people's questions at once, trying to finish a report that was due this morning, and trying to figure out where the heck my boss was to help me out. (Im a manager in a call center-esque company) all of a sudden I get that feeling like when you stand up really quick after sitting, I started getting short of breath, and I started getting this wierd fluttering feeling on the right side of my lower chest... like a muscle spasm. Obviously I was pretty stressed....after going outside for a little bit I come back in and my boss tells me "Congratulations you just had your first panic attack! You're a real manager now!!"

I went online and found this page:

Did I really just have a panic attack? One of my coworkers had one a few months back and he was rushed to the ER and took a few days off....Im not dizzy anymore, but that spasm is still there. Do I need to go to the doctor for something like this or is it relatively common in high stress jobs? I know most people will just say go to the doctors but I have little to no time to do that and I have a massive fear of needles, which Im sure they will want to use to run a blood test.
Please discuss
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