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Old 07-07-2006, 04:15 PM
Madtown Madtown is offline
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In the town of Pogglestonesonworth, odd things are afoot. An underground fight club has taken hold, with men across the city gathering for bareknuckle brawls at night.

Acts of vandalism have begun occuring throughout the city, and the police suspect it may be tied to these fight clubs. Meanwhile, Pogglestonesonworth has always had a bit of a vampire problem. Nothing too serious, mind you. Until tonight. Infamous vampire slayer Buffy Summers has come to town to patrol.

During her first night, she finds signs that something big is up. It appears that Dracula has come to town, and brought with him the persuasive Lestat de Lioncourt, a succubus demon named Lilith, and a hench vampire.

Meanwhile, in a lab somewhere, Doctor Jeckyll has injested the first dose of his newest potion.

Unbeknownest to him, it has disastrous consequences. During the night, he briefly transforms into the destructive Mr. Hyde... and kills a young woman on the east side of town. The only clue the police find is a book. It's a collection of short stories, placed on the woman's stomach. It lies open, left at the beginning of "Bartleby the Scrivener."

On the west side, things appear to be quiet. That is, until a man screams out in the night. As the police rush to the scene, they find a woman crying hysterically and a man lying on the ground in pain. She quickly explains the man was trying to mug her, but cuts off as she points down the alley. For a brief second, the police see...

And then gone. The woman exclaims that the masked man helped her... and then broke both of the mugger's arms. One cop mutters under his breath about a vigilante, and calls in a report that "Rorschach is at it again."

Several of the prominent citizens of the town, hearing the sirens begin gathering their resources in the face of the coming dangers. Sherlock Holmes, Watson, Mr. Moneybags, Dr. Shortline Sunflower, MacGyver, and Indiana Jones, each prepare for what will surely be a hazardous week ahead.

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