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Old 07-07-2006, 02:39 PM
gusmahler gusmahler is offline
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Default Help me understand wine/food pairing

I've never "got" wine. I have several friends who are really into wine and have it every day. Me, I'll have a glass occassionally, but I'd generally prefer a beer most days I'm also a very light drinker, if that matters, rarely having more than 2-3 drinks in a night, and only doing that once a month or so.

So I don't get the whole pairing wine with food. For example, I'll be going to a steakhouse next week with some friends. If I order the more flavorful steaks (t-bone, strip, etc.), I'm "supposed" to order a fuller wine, such as a cab. But how does that wine help the food (or is it the food helping the wine)?
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