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Old 07-07-2006, 02:39 AM
Guthrie Guthrie is offline
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Default Stars button problem worse?

I had finally gotten the Stars button problem somewhat under control by slightly overlapping all four tables. This reduced the problem to an occasional annoyance, at least for the buttons. Trying to type in notes on players remained an abomination.

I hoped it would be resolved with the latest software upgrade, but it has actually gotten worse, a lot worse. The pre-action buttons, which were completely unaffected by the problem before, have now caught the bug. They are now extremely difficult to click in the first place, and if another table steals focus, now they too have to be clicked multiple times to get them to work.

Even the "leave table" button has to be hammered on repeatedly.

Is it just me, or is anyone else having this problem?
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