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Old 07-05-2006, 01:14 PM
Piper Tim Piper Tim is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 166
Default Re: nooooooooooooo

No, they aren't underpaid. They work wayyy less than many other professions and still get close to the same pay.

Many teachers have 2nd jobs as well since they only work 2/3 of the year. One guy I know is 2 years out of college, makes like $40k+ teaching, bartends in the summer and makes another $15k, and drives an escalade. Gets done work at 3 each day.

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It says a lot when he makes more/hour bartending than he does teaching, don't you think? And he obviously teaches in a district that pays well (relatively).

You also seem to be making the assumption that teachers are done once school is out. Teachers never grade papers? Prepare for class the next day? Volunteer for after-school activities? Stay late to help struggling students? Maybe not your oh-so-hip wanna-be gansta buddy.

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Come on. Other professions take work home as well, and I don't want to hear that teachers have a back-breaking amount of work to do outside of the school building. They have plenty of time to grade papers and do class prep DURING school hours, including silent study halls, time in between classes, and while their students are taking tests.

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You might want to spend some time teaching before making this bogus claim. Silent study halls? Those are few and far between, if not nonexistent. During tests=cheating and is still not enough time. Try grading 120 essays on the impact of Lincoln's assassination on reconstruction in one period. You might be able to do it- if you're one of the [censored] teachers.

Planning time- sure if you don't have to actually plan or work on IEPs, or have a meeting. What time inbetween classes? Five minutes for middle school, maybe 7 at high school and none at elementary school. Sure wouldn't want to use that time to get the next class ready. Okay, maybe after or before school- but then you have to meet with parents, faculty meetings, and the list goes on. How about lunch? There's a good 30 minutes- unless you don't really get 30 minutes. Maybe during your bathroom breaks (what are those).

Most teacher I know work way more than 40hrs. a week. In fact a lot are there are 7am and don't leave until 6:00 or 7:00 that night, still take home papers, and work at least one day on the weekend. The amazing thing is they return- even though many could get better paying jobs elsewhere- despite the lack of respect from the public and many of their clients.

I get paid well, but certainly not commensurate with my level of education.

It's pretty clear you have no real idea what teachers do or how they spend their time.
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