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Old 07-05-2006, 10:30 AM
sahaguje sahaguje is offline
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Default Re: Harrington on Holdem III Discussion Group

These are the some of the problems where I disagree with Harringtons solution, and which haven't really been discussed:

Problem 2) Raising is by far the best play I think. Against loose players. You have position as well, and I think that you gain a lot by raising.

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Debatable. Against loose players, you dont want to play smallball. You want to play all streets and double up if you have a hand. By raising there is a good chance you play head's up, he check, you bet he folds. Not bad, but I prefer calling and trapping A9 or suited connector of my suit. If you raise, you will moslty be called by hands that have easy fold /big hand on flop (middle pairs), and smaller big cards and suited middle cards will fold. Gimme AK (cause AQ can call) or AQos (cause I cant double up with a flush) and I raise.


Problem 12) I like a raise here preflop with k9o. My hand is decent, and I want to get heads up with the CO while I have position with dead money in the pot (the blinds). The fatc that CO has played solid isn't bad. That only increases the chance of him folding to my CB.

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You are on the button, the only limper has a short stack... You raise does not indicates strenght. I dont like my position if one of the blinds call. Now F certainly calls, there is 700 in the pot and I have only 1500. Not enough leverage to fold against a better K. I would raise only if I am pretty sure the blinds will fold (very tight or a tell if it is live) AND I think player F is tight enough not to reraise all-in with a decent hand (middle pair, big cards) just to end it (if he calls he is pretty much pot commited)

I'll anwser your other comments another time.
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