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Old 07-05-2006, 03:45 AM
boc4life boc4life is offline
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Default Trip report: Busted by the cops, get out of it, wind up getting laid

So I'm on vacation on the Outer Banks, North Carolina with my family. My two younger brothers (Ages 17 and 14) are with me, and the younger one has a friend with him. Tonight we decided to go to the beach to try to find girls or a party, and we wound up meeting some girls.

The girls wanted to hang out with us and drink with us, so we decided to go get some beer. I'm only 20, but I have my buddy's old, expired ID. The four of us guys went to the grocery store, picked up a few cases of beer, and a couple of six packs, and were just about on our way. As I was getting back into the car, we were approached by 2 guys, one on each side of the car, and the one on my side immediately flashed what looked like an ATF badge and asked what we were up to tonight, who the people in the car were, and who all the alcohol was for.

My immediate reaction was to tell them that the beer was for my parents, that we were all out for the night, and we were picking it up for my parents on our way home. The cops obviously didn't believe this story, and asked where I was staying, and suggested that they hold us in the parking lot while a deputy drove to talk to my parents, and verify the story. They then asked if my parents had cell phones, and I relented into telling them that my parents did have cell phones.

This led into brilliant move number 1: I gave the cop MY cell phone number (Back at the house), and realizing that the voicemail would pick up, I told the cop that it was my dad's phone, and said my dad's name was Andrew (Which is on the voicemail).

The cop called, got the voicemail, came back to me, and at this point, I decided to give up the act (Brilliant move number 2). I told them that we were on the beach, a bunch of girls wanted to drink with us, and they sent me, being the only one of age. I told them that the people with me really had nothing to do with what was happening, that they were going to drink, but it wasn't their money that was spent, it wasn't their idea, we weren't going to drink until we met some girls on the beach, and that if anyone was to get in trouble, it should be me.

The cops left, talked for a while, and called me over. They started talking to me about girls, telling me that I was an idiot for trying to hook up underage girls with beer, that it was only going to get me in trouble. I made a couple of jokes with them about the girls being from New Jersey, they laughed, told me to make sure I was gonna use a "jimmy", and called me an idiot a bunch of times.

The cops wound up realizing that they had very little they could actually do, and told me that they were going to let me off with a lecture tonight. I talked about how I knew it was a stupid idea, my fake ID says that I just turned 21 3 weeks ago, and that this was a huge mistake. The cops told me to get on my way, and they suggested not going back to meet the girls.

Feeling pretty invincible after talking my way out of this situation that could've gotten VERY ugly, we decided to go meet up with the girls at the beach, and bring the beer. I wound up chatting up an 18 year old girl, and then I got laid on the beach.

I rule.
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